however, may have been in her work with other women, encouraging them to submit articles, fiction, poetry; rounding up helpers for various volunter committees; corresponding with women in all parts of the world regarding ONE. The section of the Magazine called "The Feminine Viewpoint," has brought many women subscribers, has introduced new writ-


and above all has shown both the

men and the women that their problems are not so different after all and that as all learn to work together for each other's good, progress is going to be sounder and faster.

Four and a half years of hard work, much of it of a pretty dull and routine sort, done without pay should certainly deserve the accolade, "well done, good and faithful servant," wouldn't you say?

Board of Directors and Members

ONE, Incorporated

232 South Hill Street

Los Angeles 12, California

Dear Friends:

October 21, 1957

Difficult as this letter is for me, it must be written. As you know, my recent surgery

curtailed all activities for the past six weeks. I have now been advised by my physician that

I must exert a "minimum of effort" for some time to come.

I have for some years given a "minimum" of effort" to my employment and the "maximum of effort" to ONE. The situation would remain this way had I any say in the matter.

I have not.

In the interest of health, and the hope that in the future I may work actively with ONE again, I must at this time resign.

It would be impossible to state in mere words what my association with ONE has meant. I have worked with exceptional people and have made many wonderful friends. And I love them all.

Please accept my resignation with the knowledge that I am with you, all the way and always. Thanks for all that ONE, its staff and subscribers, has given me.


Ann Carll Reid

Ann Carll Reid